Quality, Safety and Confidence – Surfing the Covid-19 waves.
On October 1st we´ll be starting our classes for this new school year 2020-2021. There are lots of changes but there is more quality, safety, and confidence!
In these times of uncertainty, we remain here at The Brunel Centre to help you with your language learning goals. We are prepared for many possibilities – and we´re going to ¨surf the Covid -19 waves¨ thanks to our students who´ve put their trust in us and to technology that makes our lives easier nowadays.
This final term last year, March to June, we had a rather good experience giving online classes. Amidst the lockdown we can proudly say we didn´t cancel classes but made the transition to online classes smoothly. From this experience, we´ve prepared very flexible course options for this year: face-to-face, online only, or a mix of the both.
How will Covide-19 affect our classes? The classes will have more quality since the number of students will go down from 6 to only 4 people in the class. This mean that the students will have more personalized time to speak and have any questions answered. We also have more safety with our protocol to protect our teachers and students from catching Covid. From experience, there is more confidence knowing that we can make a quick transition to online classes or back when necessary.
So, whatever happens, just know, we are here to help you!